“What is success?
What does it look like?
What does it mean to be a successful person? "
The answers to these questions create a vaguely picture of what success is in people's minds.
Many of us believe that being like a successful person is success itself, and we overlook one important thing: being ourselves. If we try to be like them, we cannot go beyond being a bad copy.
The pattern of success is not the same for everyone. Because we are created in different ways and as unique individuals. However, the process towards success is more or less the same for everyone. These principles are to know our purpose in life, to try to reach the highest individual potential, and to sow seeds that will benefit other people and to open ways for them.
Do not forget:
Marriage is not a success, maintaining a real and healthy relationship is success.
Bearing children is not a success, raising a healthy and happy individual is success.
Living alone is not success, it is success to live by being self-sufficient.
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