Covid-19 and Child
The COVID-19 outbreak has caused families and individuals to change their life routines. There is an uncertainty in each of us's lives that we have never seen before, and we feel inadequate because we do not know exactly what to do. The combination of these two situations increases anxiety on the one hand and makes anxiety difficult to control on the other hand. To achieve this, it is necessary to reduce uncertainty and increase the perception of competence as much as possible.
The first step in controlling children's anxiety is information. There are certain principles of talking with children in such situations.
◾️ First of all, an environment where the child can ask questions should be provided. Questions should be answered honestly and in a way the child can understand.
◾️ The coronavirus is a new virus, the name of the disease it causes is COVID-19, doctors continue to learn about it, many people are sick but most of them are well, not every "sick" has this virus, and the symptoms may be associated with other diseases, children rarely It should be noted that they are sick and if they do get sick, they go through very light, but still it is important to pay attention to hygiene.
◾️ It should be known that the child can ask the same questions over and over again.
◾️ Unrealistic promises should not be made. It can be said that they will be safe at home or at school, but it should not be promised that no one around them will be ill.
◾️ Children are more about themselves and their loved ones, so information should be given about the status of their loved ones.
◾️ Attention should be paid to comments and reactions on the subject, as the child adjusts himself by looking at the adults.
◾️ Children should be protected from being exposed to exaggerated or scary news and comments on television or social media.
◾️ Daily routines, that is, the natural flow of life should be preserved as much as possible.
◾️ It should be ensured and supported that children have video conversations with their friends using digital facilities.
◾️ Children who constantly have trouble sleeping, cannot control their fears and cannot be separated from their parents may need professional / psychosocial help.
![Covid-19 and Child](
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